Global Effect of Climate Change on Seasonal Cycles, Vector Population and Rising Challenges of Communicable Diseases: A Review
This article explains ongoing changes in global climate and their effect on the resurgence of vector and pathogen populations in various parts of the world. Today, major prevailing changes are the elevation of global temperature and accidental torrent rains, floods, droughts, and loss of productivity and food commodities. Due to the increase in water surface area and the longer presence of flood water, the breeding of insect vectors becomes very high; it is responsible for the emergence and re-emergence of so many communicable diseases. Due to the development of resistance to chemicals in insect pests, and pathogens and lack of control measures, communicable zoonotic diseases are remerging with high infectivity and mortality. This condition is becoming more alarming as the climate is favoring pathogen-host interactions and vector populations. Rapid changes seen in meteorology are promoting an unmanageable array of vector-borne infectious diseases, such as malaria, Japanese encephalitis, filarial, dengue, and leishmaniasis. Similarly, due to unhygienic conditions, poor sanitation, and infected ground and surface water outbreak of enteric infections such as cholera, vibriosis, and rotavirus is seen on the rise. In addition, parasitic infection ascariasis, fasciolosis, schistosomiasis, and dysentery cases are increasing. Today climate change is a major issue and challenge that needs timely quick solutions. Climate change is imposing non-adaptive forced human migration territorial conflicts, decreasing ecosystem productivity, disease outbreaks, and impelling unequal resource utilization. Rapid climate changes, parasites, pathogens, and vector populations are on the rise, which is making great threats to global health and the environment. This article highlighted the necessity to develop new strategies and control measures to cut down rising vector and pathogen populations in endemic areas. For finding quick solutions educational awareness, technology up-gradation, new vaccines, and safety measures have to be adopted to break the cycle of dreadful communicable diseases shortly.Keywords:
Global climate change; Biodiversity loss; Loss of life; Habitat; Economic losses; Biomarkers; Challenges and solutionsReferences
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