The energy of solar radiation absorbed by the Earth, as well as the thermal radiation of the Earth’s surface, which is released to the space through the atmospheric transparency window, depends on variations of the area of the cloud cover. Svensmark et al. suggest that the increase in the area of the cloud cover... More
An “explosive extratropical cyclone” is an atmospheric phenomenon that occurs when there is a very rapid drop in central atmospheric pressure. This phenomenon, with its characteristic of rapidly lowering the pressure in its interior, generates very intense winds and for this reason it is called explosive cyclone, bomb cyclone. With gusts recorded of 116... More
Abstract: Tropical Cyclone OCKHI over the North Indian Ocean during 2017 underwent dramatic development and rapid intensification very close to the land - Sri Lanka, extreme South Indian coast and Lakshadweep area during its initial developmental stage and caused extensive damages over these areas. On examining the physical and structural mechanism involved in such development, it... More
The aim of this work was to analyze the effect of the magnetic field generated by the household appliances on the airborne microbial surrounding these equipment located on indoor environments with particular interest in the environmental fungi. A simultaneous environmental study was carried out in locals of three different geographical places of Havana, Cuba,... More
As the world’s population has tripled (3x) since 1950, with another 50% increase expected by 2100, global annual carbon dioxide emissions growth rate has quadrupled (4x) since 1950 and global energy demand has quintupled (5x), all in the same time period. This discontinuous combination can be called a “3-4-5 Triad” and the sudden acceleration... More