Sikkim Himalaya hosts critical water resources such as glacial, rain, and snow-fed springs and lakes. Climate change is adversely affecting these resources in various ways, and elevation-dependent warming is prominent among them. This study is a discussion of the elevation-dependent warming (EDW), snowfall shift, and precipitation variability over Sikkim Himalaya using a high-resolution ERA5-land dataset.... More
This study aims to assess and compare levels of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) in urban and industrial areas in Malaysia during haze episodes, which typically occur in the south west monsoon season. The high concentrations of atmospheric particles are mainly due to pollution from neighbouring countries. Daily PM concentrations were analysed for urban and... More
This research utilizes geospatial methodologies to investigate the influence of gas flaring and carbon dioxide emissions on precipitation patterns within the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The study relies on average mean precipitation data sourced from CHRS at the University of Arizona and carbon dioxide emissions data from NASA' s AIRS in Giovanni, spanning from... More
This study aims to examine the atmospheric conditions characterising fog phenomena on the Senegalese coast focusing on two specific instances that occurred on April 3 and April 30, 2023. These events were detected by the LIDAR Ceilometer installed at LPAOSF/ESP/UCAD and confirmed on the METARs of the meteorological stations at Dakar and Diass airports. The... More
The article is devoted to a discussion of the possibilities of biometeorological assessment of the severity of weather conditions during the cold season. The relevance of the study is ensured not only by the fact that residents of a number of states, whose total number is more than 27 million people, live in these extreme... More