Understanding of an ‘Enlightened Planning’ Approach in Project Risk Management
This article explains the execution and delivery progression phases of the project lifecycle. It is the third phase of the project lifecycle that leads to the final realization of the project's goals. However, this essay will describe the understanding of the ‘enlightened planning’ approach during the execution and delivery strategy progress of a project’s lifecycle. The features and details in the Enlightened Planning and PMI PMBOK Guide are compared. The author explored the nature and role of basic frameworks such as the project lifecycle, the process phase structure, and key project definition questions — the seven Ws (Who, Why, What, Which way, Wherewithal, When, Where). Combining Enlightened Planning and PMI PMBOK Guide, the differences between the two approaches are given. In addition, the author elaborated the advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches in current practice.Keywords:
Enlightened planning; Risk management; Project lifecycleReferences
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