Human Capital Formation and Territorial Governance at the Heart of Building a Skill's Local Economy: The Exemplarity of Corsica
In Corsica, the island economy is characterized by the absence of large multinational groups that direct and shape the global economy. Nor is there any mention of the existence of medium-sized enterprises, which in many other regions, like the Third Italy, constitute the spearhead of a dynamic economy. The Corsican economic fabric consists mainly of very small businesses, small farmers and producers, artisans, and traders. Given the hypertrophy of the public sector, private companies seem to be the only option likely to trigger a dynamic of territorial development. The latter necessarily involves the development of strategies for the formation of human capital and a technological research process whose objective is to increase the level of skills, responding to the immanent needs of the island territory. In this perspective, the mode of territorial governance prefigures a model of economic development to be favored.
Human capital; Skills economy; Territorial governance's modus; Technological research platformReferences
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