Thermo-Chromic Response of Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystal for Thermal Imaging
Cholesteric liquid crystal (Ch-LC) exhibits many remarkable optical properties due to formation of a macroscopic helical structure. A low amount of monomer (5wt.%) is dispersed into cholesteric liquid crystal and get polymerized under UV radiations to form polymer stabilized cholesteric texture (PSCT). The thermo-chromic response made this device suitable for the developing applications in thermal imaging. Temperature based measurements of PSCT exploits the key property of some polymer stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals (PSCLC) to reflect definite colors at specific temperatures. The selective color of PSCT texture shifts with raise in temperature from 30oC to 85oC, which can be utilized in thermal imaging applications.
Polymer stabilized cholesteric texture (PSCT); Cholesteric liquid crystal (CLC); Morphological study; Thermo-chromic ResponsesReferences
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